Sunday 26 May 2013

Urbanathlon 2013

Sarah (in blue) shows how it's done on the monkey bars!
Go girl!

The last hurdle up the ramp

Assessing the final obstacle, do not mistake this look for apprehension, this is tactic talk

Good to have friends in high places sometimes!

They say a city never sleeps.

Well Melbourne certainly doesn't. Make your way into the city any weekend you like and there will be something big going on.

Today it was the Urbanathlon 2013. Competitors must tackle ten gruelling obstacles and take on 11 kilometres of challenging course through Melbourne’s city streets. Obstacles included monkey and parallel bars, water hurdles, tyre stutters, commando crawl nets and right at the end a huge ramp at which you had to run and throw yourself at.

Two of my gym buddies Sarah and Alexie and their boyfs were competing so I decided to pitch up and cheer them on. (I even ran a likkle bit of the way with them lol).

They did brilliantly and it was clearly pretty tough. I was quite happy with my supporting role in the whole event though thank you!

The atmosphere at the end zone was electric. Ministry of Sound tracks were pumping, Gatorade was being consumed by the gallon and sweaty high fives were being exchanged all around.

Only then did I get a pang of "ooh that must be such a great feeling". year?

Well done to everyone who competed. It was such a fun, feel good event and now I know for the girls there is only one thing on the agenda now.

Beer and pasta and probably in that order! Well deserved.

No news is good news!

After a full on trip back home and Hubster's 10 day circumnavigation of the globe, we have quietly been going about our business and settling back into the groove and rhythm of life here in Melbourne.

Back to life, back to reality, back to the here and now again. Remember that song? Soul to Soul? Well it sums things up nicely.

Comfort food is on the menu as the temperatures have dipped and we are all layering up.

In the Summer there is an urgency here to make the most of every minute of sunshine, it's busy, busy, busy.

Now there is a comforting lull, an accepted excuse to just be and do less. Read a book, listen to music, walk on the beach with friends, a stroll around the city by the river, through the docklands, even on a grey Sunday morning, it's nice.

However, the lull is short lived...

coming up soon in a blog near you!

An Anniversary trip to Ayers Rock

The British Lions Tour

Niue, South Pacific Island Paradise.

Plus lots, lots more!


Sunday 5 May 2013

The seasons are a changing

Winter is now less than a month away.

The days and nights are decidedly cooler and whereas those crisp and cool bright blue sky days are plentiful, we are getting a good smattering of grey ones too.

A friend recently remarked  "I am actually really looking forward to "rugging" up and getting out my boots and woollies again".

I kind of know what she means, those hunkering down and snuggling up days will soon be with us and I am ready to embrace that too.

Last year we didn't realise that Winter could be pretty cold. I mean you can go skiing in the mountains here in Victoria.

This year we will be ready. The logs will be ordered, the new hearth set will be purchased and that just leaves one thing, to cosy up the house.

Hubster is away in the UK and the USA right now so I had the perfect opportunity to move the furniture around  Besides it filled up a few hours on a Sunday when we would normally be together. It helped divert the "missing him" pangs in my tummy. For a while.

All sofas are now in the living room and the dining room table has been moved into the kitchen area. Probably as it was always meant to be configured.


"Was all that really necessary Momma, day of rest and all that?"

"Oh yes Radders, absolutely"

With a look that screamed "Bonkers Momma", Radders promptly flopped on his side and resumed slumber.