Tuesday 19 July 2011

This time last week...........

.........it was a beautiful sunny day circa 23 degrees, cotton ball clouds and light refreshing breeze.

I bumped into another dog walker and I noticed as she approached her broad grin mirrored mine.

In unison, "isnt it a beautiful day?" we chirped as she restrained her white and black terrier. She then went on to say.

"Who couldnt appreciate a day like this, the scenery, the vista, the blue sky and the sunshine?"

"Quite, its stunning and I feel so lucky I have the time to walk my dog and appreciate it"

"Very lucky indeed" she said "I dont ever take it for granted, especially on a rainy, grey, drizzly day, you think back, it keeps you going"

One week later and we have such a day. How glad I am I took my camera out with me, this time last week.

Beans being grown for animal fodder NOT human fodder - woops!
Undulating English meadows
Which way now? Doesn't matter, all equally as lovely
Radders cutting a path through the swathes of wheat, now on the turn

Meadows sprinkled with daisies

But if it didnt rain, how could we enjoy such lush greenery as this, when the day is fine?

The English countryside is a true gem, especially mid summer.

Thursday 14 July 2011

Oh la la!

Yesterday on my gauntlet of Tescos, (still havent got this online shopping sussed!) you will never guess what happened?

I swerved the Walkers Sensations, the Quavers, the French Fries and the Monster Munch! Well done Mrs T-J! BUT........................

..........................I went to the choccy aisle. Yes, moi, she that eats choccy once in every 823 days.

I bought them, I ate them and I enjoyed them.

In a Grossman type voice "Lets look at the evidence"

I have no explanation but could proffer some:

1. A longing to be one of the crowd?
2. Hormones?
3. Low Blood sugar?
4. It was Wednesday?

 Today it's 14 Juillet,  Bastille Day

Vive La Revolution!!!

Rebellion and Revolution thats it, I like that idea, I feel a banner coming on:

 "Vive Les Maltesers!"

Walkers I'm going on strike, I might even march on a protest just for one day, I might just become French-aise and eat Pain au Chocolat and watch Les Miserables

Tomorrow I will repent but for today .... Je m'appelle Chantal

Sunday 10 July 2011

Salad Vegetable is 1 year old today!

Happy Birthday Radish! (aka Radster, Radders, Little Rad, Puppy, Momma's Bobba {{{!}}}, the boy is quite embarassed by the latter but I never use it in front of his mates obviously)

A trip down memory lane

Puppy with the wonky ear, when did you grow up so quickly?

When was the last time I could pick you up and hold you in my arms?

How wonderful for us all, your first trip to the seaside?

And if the big fella was here I am sure he would be congratulating himself today for a first class mentoring role and puppy apprenticeship, however the bin raiding trick, wasnt on the training schedule Sparks. Clearly another agenda.

Well no birthday celebration is complete without a cake. "About time too Momma!"

Bring on that declicious concoction of sausage meat, liver, cottage cheese, pumpkin seeds and oats!

Right then Radder, who's for pass the parcel?

"oh no Momma, I couldnt, possibly couldnt, I am stuffed. Quite, quite replete hic"

"Happy 1st Birthday to me....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....."

Happy Birthday Puppy, the scruffy dog we always wanted. xxx

Saturday 9 July 2011

It's often said but................

........................it's true,  there really isn't anywhere more beautiful  than the British Isles on a gorgeous Summer's day.

Sand between my toes

A room with a view!

It's perfect to cherish and relish these days and we do, only because they dont occur everyday.

Who needs to take a 9 hour flight to the Bahamas for blue skies, sun and white beaches, no-one, not on a perfect Summer's day.

Enjoy Herm Island on such a day.

Compelled to buy one, just to be 6 years old again and........................

yes I bought my shells home. Of course.

And as the sun sank into slumber, she left us with at least an hour of tantalising flaming glory, to be savoured, soothed by, mesmerised by and in awe of.

And we were, along with the inner peace derived from comfortable shared silence, shared appreciation and a very lovely rose wine, won at the Herm School Tombola! Jammy to the end my Hubster!

Friday 8 July 2011

After 17 years we finally have an "our song!"

After one last walk across the cliff tops and a final stop to wave across the channel to our beautiful Island of Sark, it was time to leave the fabulous White House Hotel on Herm.

We boarded the Trident, a choppy sea, a swell of 10 feet. They had already cancelled the evening ferry. We set off on the first leg of our journey home.

I didnt look back as I knew the hard lump in my throat was just one glance back away from forming fat watery blobs on my cheeks.

The rain came. Arriving on Guernsey, Hubster knew I was a tad subdued, no words required. "Come on you" he cajoled "I'm taking you for a sharpener"

Finally settled in the White D'or Tapas and Mezze bar. Perfect, looking out at the wonderful craft in the harbour.

  • Houmus & pitta bread topped with a generous sprinkling of smoked paprika and a glug of extra virgin.
  • A little plate of sticky ribs
  • Spanish chicken and chorizo
  • Pan fried prawns and calamari with olive oil, chilli, lemon and garlic
  • 1 glass of Sancerre, 1 Corona beer with lime wedge
We were the only ones there and that was just fine. With time to kill we grazed and read our books, talked and listened to some Bruno Mars.

Then it happened, "this is my song for you"he said

"Really?" That's one of the loveliest things.

"Yes I always think of you when I hear it" he said

"Well I am always going to think of you too when I hear it in future" I said

And.........that's settled after all these years we finally have our song.

Bruno Mars : You're amazing just the way you are.

And as I continued to swoon in my reverie, Hubster got up and popped outside to put a bet on the horses. Thats him!

"Come on you" he said "Time to board the ferry, time to go home"

A bientot.