Sunday 27 April 2014

Easter Feasting

This Easter Sunday we were invited to the beautiful and somewhat stately like home of our friends Magda and Janusz. Being Polish it is traditional to serve an Easter breakfast/brunch with lots of traditional Polish fare.

However, this is breakfast with a difference, the alcohol is free flowing and being Polish that will most certainly include vodka!

We were joined by Maya, their daughter and her friend, Kifka and two very lovely couples, John and Katrina and Joanna and Ronald.

By 11.30am the champagne was flowing and by midday the vodka made an appearance too, Janusz was extremely attentive to his guest's thirst!

I put my hand up to be the "desi" that day (designated driver) and for that I am thankful as I would have struggled to have taken my seat at the table after such generous aperitifs.

Magda treated us all to a venerable feast and the table looked absolutely stunning; whole baked ham, cold smoked salmon, chicken liver parfait, Polish sausage, eggs and caviar, the menu was extensive.

The conversation was lively, fun and even though all the invited guests were meeting for the first time, everybody got on brilliantly. Aussies, Polish and Brits together provided for lots of animated debate and some mickey taking too. There were lots of toasts too to health, wealth, happiness and love which I thought was just lovely and no wonder the glasses needed refilling so quickly. (A Polish ploy I'm sure!)

Throughout the day the wine flowed and with the delicious desserts, out came the dessert wine too!

We had a super time and we all parted with hugs and huge appreciation for the effort made and the generosity of our friends.

I didn't say no to the offer of an ample "doggy" bag and noted that Hubster was rather merry on the drive back home. I think his seat next to Janusz at the table had much to do with that, certainly partners in crime!

Easter is all about the gathering of family and friends. I know Magda was very conscious that we were far from our own however it is true to say we were made to feel extremely welcome into their home and family.

In conclusion, thumbs up to the Polish traditions of celebrating Easter and next year Hubster can be the "desi"!


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